What is the current situation of facility plans for the public schools?

In 2023, we began to evaluate the condition and long-term viability of the school buildings through trying to secure funding for a new HVAC (heat, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. As we worked through the professional design process, there were many other building areas that also needed to be addressed. The “band-aid” solutions that were done over the past twenty years had made this approach untenable.

Where are the areas that the public schools need to address?

In our attempt to secure funding for a new HVAC system, we learned through school building professionals that our buildings had many deficiencies due to major issues such as older roofs, ceilings, walls, windows, doors, and other systems which were far past their useful life. These systems could not all be addressed as part of HVAC upgrades. Based on advice from professional construction consultants, Town and school leaders then realized that there needs to be a global approach that addresses all of the deficiencies.

What have we done to date?

The Board of Education in partnership with Town Leadership began to reevaluate its approach for addressing the future educational needs for our children. Therefore, in accordance with the goals outlined in our strategic plan, we initiated a study of our school facilities. Since then, we have polled parents, solicited feedback from our administrative leadership team, created an Ad Hoc School Facilities Committee, and in collaboration with a few community members, toured neighboring school districts to learn how these communities addressed their school facility issues.  

Architectural firm selection: GWWO in collaboration with Northeast Collaborative Architects have been retained to provide conceptual design, cost estimating, and grant application preparation

What are the next steps and options available to decide?

After six months of research, including visiting six surrounding towns, and in talking with architects, engineers, and building experts, the following options are being considered:

  • Renovate-to-new project at Broad Brook Elementary School

  • Combined Middle/High School through either a Renovate-to-New Project or New Construction on the existing High School campus